Editing – Editing Services, Research Papers, Custom Essay, Term Papers




Editing is a necessary art of the writing process. When a written paper is edited, it becomes better, hence the importance of editing essays. Proof reading and editing your essay could be a difficult issue and might be tedious. However, if tackled in an organized manner it might turn out to be simple than expected. At times, a writer finds it hard to find mistakes in his or her own essay. To avoid this, you can pass your essay to our friends or any people willing to help, by proof reading it for you.


Essay editing involves:

1)      Correcting spelling mistakes, grammar and punctuation.

2)       Correcting wrong sentence structures

3)      Formatting: This involves checking the accuracy of and correcting the following:

·        Formatting and Citation style

·        Endnotes and footnotes

·        Correcting capitalization as well as punctuation, spelling and grammar

·        Putting correct abbreviations and/ or acronyms

·        Treatment of numbers

·        Italicizing, using foreign words and special terms where necessary

·        Correcting numbering

·        Anything numbered in sequence, including lists, tables, figures, outlines and equations

·        Correcting wordiness

·        Using gender biased language

·        Wrong use of passive voice

·        Ambiguous use of words

·        Organization of the work

·        Correcting sentence structure (Syntax, variety, parallelism, clarity)

·        Ensuring correct paragraph structure(organization., length, coherence, transitions)

·        Style (ensuring the use of the appropriate tone fort he readers)

·        Formatting the headings( ensuring it is appropriate for the document)

·        Reviewing of the document for sentences, paragraphs or sections that could be cut.

·        Check and correct math numbers, problems, and answers to questions in exercises if any.

·        Compare descriptions of tables or figures in the text to actual information presented in the tables of graphs.

·        Ensure correct presentation of title page, copyright page and cover.

·        Including the table of contents if excluded

·        Text flow (spot check end of one page and beginning of next)

·        Correcting electronic glitches (word breaks for no reason, poor spacing)

·        Art of appropriate referencing and labeling

·        Correct page numbering and running heads and footers.

·        Margins


The editing service provided by Research Papers 24/7 does not include:

i)                    Any writing

ii)                   Any research

iii)                 Editing of dissertation, thesis, research proposal or any admission paper. These are separate and more expensive services.

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